the value of your attention depends on where you spend it.
the number of things that compete for your attention at any given moment is constantly growing: you can pay attention to the phone in your pocket, the e-mail in your inbox, the friend who is calling you right now, the book in front of you, the to-do item in your checklist, etc.
being able to constrain the number of things competing for your attention is more essential than ever for accomplishing anything effectively.
you will rarely achieve this with willpower. instead, you’ll alter how easily distractions can get ahold of you: you’ll uninstall that addictive app, block your calendar, let your friends know that you’ll be offline for a couple of days, or in some cases put your phone in a different room.
nothing discourages access like no access.
the pursuit of anything is only as effective as your ability to consistently pay attention to it.
your ability to consistently pay attention is only as effective as your ability to limit the things in your field of attention.