Keep 10% in the tank

William Liao
1 min readMar 30, 2023

Occasionally pushing your boundaries is crucial for personal growth and development.

However, it’s essential to strike a balance between striving for excellence and conserving energy.

Maintaining a reserve of energy is critical because recovering from a state of near-total exhaustion takes significantly longer than bouncing back with some vitality still intact.

Just consider the burnout experienced by many ambitious individuals — the time and effort required to regain their former drive can be immense.

By all means, be as ambitious as ever.

But be strategic with your energy as well: understand what you can and cannot sustain. Pace yourself so you can play the long game.

Avoid being so short-sighted and preoccupied with your daily accomplishments that you end up overexerting yourself in a single day to the point where you cannot deliver your best performance the next day.

Aim to keep 10% in the tank at all times.



William Liao

Taiwanese American, daily blogger of ideas about impactful work in service of others, photographer (