Perfect decision-making is a myth
When faced with multiple options, we often go to great lengths to make sure we make the right decision:
We conduct an analysis of strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats (SWOT).
We consider opportunity cost: what is the balance of sacrifices and gains for each option?
We seek advice from our gut to understand which option feels the best.
…all of this and possibly more in the spirit of charting the most worthwhile course.
This methodical approach to decision-making can be helpful and often gives us the confidence we need when we ultimately move forward with a decision.
The one thing that this approach will never give you however, no matter how rigorous your thinking, is a guarantee.
In other words, it’s possible to make a decision only to discover that the grass isn’t perfectly green on the other side.
This doesn’t mean that you should forego thinking carefully about your decisions as this approach may very well yield more positive outcomes in the long run.
However, it’s also important to understand that every road, no matter how seemingly well-paved according to your analysis, is not without its fair share of bumps.
And that’s okay because it’s not your ability to make perfect decisions that leads to thriving, it’s your ability to march forward and address problems —the inevitable bumps along any path — when they arise.