the recipe for just about everything
Most invention starts with “I wonder what will happen if…”, trying it, and having an intriguing enough outcome that the world needed it to be shared.
That’s it. Wonder-try-learn, repeat — it’s the story of how most things worth creating get made.
It’s how your new cheese fondue recipe that everyone loves is going to get made (and all the not-so-tasty prototypes that preceded it).
It’s how we ended up with electric cars (and all the prototypes with battery and range issues that preceded them).
It’s likely* how the next capability that helps humans flourish will come to life (along with every necessary misstep and learning that led to its creation).
Solving for interesting and better starts with cycling through wonder-try-learn at the highest velocity possible. Most things won’t work (which is why you need velocity) but will provide the learnings you need; the thing that does end up creating interesting and better is what the learnings make possible.
*Sometimes great things comes from accident-learn like penicillin, x-rays, and implantable pacemakers. Hence “just about” in the headline.