Try again

William Liao
1 min readSep 26, 2023

Dr. Mike Massimino was rejected from NASA’s astronaut program 3 times before being accepted.

Dr. Peggy Whitson who, as of this August has logged almost 2 years in space was rejected 4 times before joining NASA.

José Herández’, whose journey from the farm fields of Stockton, California all the way to running missions in space was recently depicted in the film A Million Miles Away, was rejected 11 times before being accepted into NASA’s astronaut program.

Herández applied every year for over a decade all the while working on developing skills to improve his candidacy — think about the state of mind that one would need to possess to be this dedicated.

I admire these astronauts not just for their outstanding level of tenacity, but also for their clear understanding of The Game of which failure is simply a part of.

If you miss the bulls-eye — which will be the case on many occasions — you figure out how you can do better, pick up another dart, and try again.



William Liao
William Liao

Written by William Liao

Taiwanese American, daily blogger of ideas about impactful work in service of others, photographer (

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