1 idea, 60 seconds, daily to spur action towards doing our best work, creating a thriving culture, and living meaningfully

What do you miss the most?

William Liao


Think about your life up to this point and ask yourself: “what memories do I miss the most?”

For me, the memories that come to surface immediately are the times when I went hiking, or the times I spent with friends and family — often laughing together.

In the middle of an intense project or a contentious discussion with colleagues, it’s easy to go into crisis mode and feel overwhelmed.

During these times, it can be especially helpful to look back at your life and think about the aspects you’re most fond of.

In doing this exercise, you are reminded of what your true values are. And in reminding yourself of these values, you realize that, in the words of Richard Carlson, the ‘crisis’ you’re sweating now is almost certainly ‘small stuff’ in the grand scheme.



William Liao

Taiwanese American, daily blogger of ideas about impactful work in service of others, photographer (ephemera.photography)