Will it?
My team has been deep in in project planning over the last couple of days.
A recurring theme in our discussions is how to prioritize all the things we want to do.
We used a simple framework:
We first narrowed our focus by asking ourselves: what our most important goal?
Then we filtered every decision about where to spend our time with a simple question: to what extent will this service our most important goal?
If we think it will help a lot, we make it a priority.
The same narrow approach can work well for our personal lives too.
There are too many things we could do, so we must first decide what will be important to us in the near term.
Then every decision about what to do in the near term becomes a simple matter of asking ourselves: will this help?
Having a lot of expendable energy isn’t sufficient for progress.
We also need to be able to point a large amount of it in a narrow direction.