William LiaoForever now (returning 10/07)Taking a break from daily writing, returning 10/07.Sep 26Sep 26
William LiaoBuoyant spiritI’ve always admired people that seem to have a way of lifting up the spirits of the people around them — I call these people buoyant…Sep 25Sep 25
William LiaoPickToday my friend shared a beautiful passage from Sylvia Plath’s novel The Bell Jar:Sep 24Sep 24
William LiaoA privilege to be hereToday would have been the birthday of a college friend who passed away a few years ago.Sep 21Sep 21
William LiaoChoose to not be reducedOne of the best framings on happiness I’ver heard to date is the idea that it is a choice instead of a destination.Sep 21Sep 21
William LiaoRemove the optionSeveral months ago I resolved to spend more of my working day using my standing desk.Sep 19Sep 19
William LiaoThe sound and feeling of changeWe often ascribe positive thoughts and feelings to the act of growing and becoming better versions of ourselves.Sep 19Sep 19
William LiaoHave a laughLaughter being the best medicine may be one of the most cliché bits of wisdom out there, but boy is it true.Sep 18Sep 18
William LiaoComfort with uncertaintyA trait that I admire in leaders is the sense of composure they project in uncertain situations.Sep 17Sep 17